First of all BioProtection Company is known as:
- a producer of biological methods for natural pest control and plant pathogens;
- a designer and producer of extremely sensitive wireless systems for monitoring plant parameters and greenhouses climate, software for data monitoring by web-interface that displays information on any digital device.
The company has specialized vehicles and provides logistics for professional greenhouses.
Responsibility and professionalism are the main features in everything, they are the base of our work and collaboration. Quality is not only the level of products and services for us but the level of an entire client relationship system. Our specialists will help you at all stages: identifying key issues (diagnostics), individual selection of drugs and crop protection methods, full technological and expert support at all stages of cultivation until a high-quality product is obtained.
We always follow development and achievements, the latest products and services, and also trends and innovations that are connected with crop cultivation in open and closed soils, berries and mushrooms growing.
Our specialists hold training seminars for greenhouses staff providing POS-materials. Bio Protection Company provides full technological support in the sphere of agricultural production and industrial floriculture (plant protection and pollination) working in constant contact and exchanging experience with foreign partners.