The main directions of agro-audit

Agricultural producers are obliged to assume the sources of profitability of the enterprise, to correctly assess the processes of agricultural production. In this, both manufacturers and potential investors are assisted by an audit of protective measures. Agroaudit is a new tool for business development, which is carried out in the following main areas:

  • Assessment of pest population resistance in order to select the most optimal pesticides.
  • Assessment of how the material equipment is organized, the range of protective equipment based on its functions.
  • Analysis of the history of chemical return
  • Authentication of pesticide products.
  • Entomological and acorological studies of purchased biomaterials.
  • Development of a comprehensive project for integrated plant protection with the provision of an indicative budget.
  • Technological support of projects with monthly visits of our technologists to the plant.
  • Bioline online 24/7 remote support using our own software.
  • Control of key parameters of logistics quality in the Bio Rate application, followed by an assessment of product quality and provided technological support.

It follows from this that an expert assessment of the work of the plant protection department makes it possible to look at the situation in a comprehensive manner. And this is essential in order to comply with our long-term performance improvement policy.

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