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BioProtection » News

dni ogorodnika

Dni Ogorodnika XXI at Poland

On September 10-11, 2022, the Bioprotection company visited the regional exhibition in Poland XXI international exhibition DNI OGRODNIKA.

green tech

Bioprotection at GreenTech 2022

Bioprotection products at the Greentech 2022 exhibition

On June 14-16, the Bioprotection company…

Прямо сейчас, 14 и 15 декабря 2020 г. идет бесплатный online-вебинар «Казахстан Greenhouse online», организованный Ассоциацией теплиц Казахастана и…

On the 14th- 15th of December a free online-webinar «Kazakhstan Greenhouse online», organized by the Greenhouse Kazakhstan Association and…

Today, 26.11.2020 at 15:00, as part of the free webinar “Greenhouse marathon without masks”, our leading plant protection specialist…